Please note that the Rhode Island Ovarian Cancer Alliance is unable to offer financial assistance to women with ovarian cancer.

Brenda Mehling Cancer Fund
This fund provides small financial grants to patients ages 18-40 as they undergo cancer treatment.

Cancer Care
Cancer Care provides a limited amount of financial support to women cancer patients whose incomes are no more than 250 percent of the federal poverty level.

Cancer and Careers
Cancer and Careers provides information on legal and financial issues that affect cancer patients.

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition
The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition maintains a database of organizations that offer support to cancer patients. It can be searched by diagnosis or type of assistance needed.

Cancer Legal Resource Center
A cancer diagnosis may carry with it a variety of legal issues, including insurance appeals, employment rights and leave time, access to health care and government benefits, and estate planning. The CLRC offers information on these issues, as well as a toll-free telephone assistance line: 866-THE-CLRC.

Corporate Angel Network
Help arranging free air transportation for cancer patients traveling to treatment using empty seats on corporate jets.

Family and Medical Leave Act Advisor
Provides information on the Family and Medical Leave Act, a law that provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month period to eligible, covered employees.

Healthwell Foundation
Provides financial assistance towards medical treatments and other costs.

Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Health Care
Under the Hill-Burton law, about 170 health care facilities nationwide are obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care to those who cannot otherwise afford medical care.

LiveStrong Cancer Navigation Center
The LiveStrong Cancer Navigation Center can help with insurance denials and appeals, handling debt and financial management issues related to a cancer diagnosis and more.

The National Collegiate Cancer Foundation
The NCCF provides need-based financial support to young adults, ages 18-35, who have been diagnosed with cancer.

National Patient Travel Center
The National Patient Travel Center provides information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medical transportation and provides referrals to all appropriate sources of help available in the national charitable medical transportation network.

Needy Meds provides information about programs that help people facing problems paying for medications and health care, and assist patients in applying to such programs.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need for free or nearly free

Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation
The PAN Foundation provides up to $20,000 in co-payment assistance annually to ovarian cancer patients who are enrolled in Medicare and have incomes up to 500% of the federal poverty level. Patients must reside and receive treatment in the United States.

Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF)
Case workers from the Patient Advocate Foundation work one-on-one with patients, caregivers or providers resolve healthcare issues. The Foundation also offers co-payment assistance to women with ovarian cancer.

RxHope lists information about patients assistance programs that offer free or reduced-cost medication in the United States.

The SAMFund provides financial assistance and online support to young cancer survivors.

Social Security Disability Income
Women with ovarian cancer may qualify for social security disability income. Visit this website to learn more and apply.